

Opening Hours

Mon - Fri | 10am-7pm
Sat  | 11am-7pm
Sun & Public Holiday  | By appointment only


Shop 03-105-107



Ora-Ora began in Hong Kong in 2006 and quickly established itself as a force and catalyst for innovation and openness of expression. Academically rigorous and philosophically-minded, our artists embody a fresh spirit of curiosity and enquiry. By interpreting and re-evaluating established frameworks of thought, they pursue unforeseen perspectives on the world around us. Ora-Ora believes in the power of eschewing boundaries and limitations, and combines an esteem for ancient traditions with a passion for the most contemporary and ground-breaking artistic media. Long recognized for our successful development of Asian creative talent, we have grown to represent artists from Asia, Europe and the US. Restlessly broadening our horizons, we continue to develop alliances and partnerships with institutions worldwide to enable discovery of our artists in new environments.

Dr. Henrietta Tsui-Leung, co-founder of Ora-Ora, is also co-founder of the Hong Kong Art Gallery Association, which has played a lead role in nurturing the diverse and thriving art ecosystem in the city.

Email: info@ora-ora.com
Website: www.ora-ora.com
Facebook: @galerieoraora
Instagram: @galerieoraora

The above content is provided by Ora-Ora

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A contemporary art gallery located at Block 03 Barrack Block, Ora-Ora has established itself as a force and catalyst for innovation and openness of expression. Henrietta Tsui-Leung, Founder of Ora-Ora, guides us to explore the art world with unforeseen perspectives, to discover the influence of art on all of us.

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