BOOKED: 香港藝術書展 Hong Kong Art Book Fair Tai Kwun Contemporary 大館當代美術館

節目 Programmes

BOOKED: Full timetable


The Enlightened Women

28.04.2023 3:00–7:00 pm

一個真正的熟女能夠把書本平衡在頭頂上優雅地行走。行為藝術家彭靖和Florence Lam(基地)將以馬戲團作為靈感,以雜技的姿態與書本進行多樣的互動,遊走整個藝術書展。書本作為知識的比喻,象徵女性內涵的昇華。藝術家希望直接面對並擁抱社會對女性身體、行為和姿態的刻板印象。

It is truth universal that a truly sophisticated lady can walk gracefully with a book balanced on her head. Taking the circus as inspiration, the performance artists Jing Pang and Florence Lam (BASE Performance) walk through the art book fair and interact acrobatically with books—which, as a metaphor for knowledge, can symbolise the sublimation of the feminine. In this way, the artists confront and embrace society's stereotype of the female body and of feminine behaviour and posture.


Artists’ Books about Place-based Imaginations

28.04.2023 5:30–7:00 pm

近年台灣與日本的「地方誌」非常多樣,內容與美學皆出眾,香港也開始有同樣的嘗試。這些書誌背後,是藝術工作者的「地方想像」。是次對談,有來自台灣、活躍的地方書誌編輯許慈恩,及紥根坪洲的研究與創作團隊The Islanders,分享他們如何通過出版,思考「地方書寫」的路向,並由城市研究者黃宇軒主持及加入分享。


A new wave of place-based books/zines has been proliferating in Taiwan and Japan in the last decade, producing publications with particular aesthetics and ideas about place-writing. In Hong Kong, similar attempts are emerging. Ani Syu, an editor actively producing place-writing zines/books in Taiwan, will be sharing her experiences while The Islanders (from the island of Peng Chau in Hong Kong) will be sharing their thoughts on the future of place-based research and imagination. This conversation will be moderated by Hong Kong urbanist Sampson Wong.

Free to register


Thank you, next
The Heritage of Disappearance in Hong Kong’s Architecture (Pop-up)

28.04.2023 3:00–7:00 pm 29.04.2023 12:00–7:00 pm

Thank you, next 」(謝謝,下一位)是針對物質性、遺產的意義、城市的形態和幾何形狀,以及個人和歷史敘事的一次考古學探索,藉此為香港的新建築、面臨清拆的舊區及本地的自然環境提供另一種參照。儘管本項目注意到這個城市的擴張有增無減,但它想表達的是在空間生產和景觀生態的背景下,有關物質流動的故事及城市建設的潮流。

Thank you, next is an archaeological exploration of materiality, meanings of heritage, urban forms and geometries, as well as personal and historical narratives—and thus offering alternative frames of reference on the built, demolished, and natural environment of Hong Kong. While noticing city’s relentless growth, this work aims to tell the story of material flows and construction currents in the context of space production and landscape ecology.


LUMBUNG... : On the Kios and Lumbung of Publishers after documenta

29.04.2023 12:30–2:00 pm



BOOKED: participants Reading Room and Display Distribute will gather with a few other members of Lumbung Kios and the Lumbung of Publishers, two networked ecosystem projects which have emerged from the experiment of documenta fifteen led by Jakarta collective ruangrupa. With the Kios focusing upon artist-made goods and the Lumbung of Publishers focusing on independent publishing practices, both projects strive to develop a sustainable and collective network incorporating interlocal artistic practices with their sales and distribution.

Free to register

唐景鋒談《Dear Franklin》

Kurt Tong on “Dear Franklin”

29.04.2023 2:30–4:00 pm

香港藝術家唐景峰偶然得到一個舊木箱,裏面裝滿了文件、信札、照片、筆記和書籍。這個箱子屬於一個陌生人,名叫Franklin Lung(富蘭克林‧龍先生)。唐景峰從遺物中瞥見了主人翁的生活點滴,很感興趣,於是著手研究,花了幾個月時間,去拼湊富蘭克林的故事。

在《親愛的富蘭克林》,唐景峰通過片段和照片,以及重要的信件,梳理出龍先生生平。原來龍先生出生於香港一個普通家庭,後來定居上海,經歷過中國從 1930年代到50年代的風雲歲月。唐景峰將關於中國和世界的時局、全球法西斯的興起、中國僑民的遷移等等歷史敘事,編織到龍先生的個人遭遇之中。隨著時間的推移,這些照片、筆記和書信不僅透露出一個動人的愛情故事,還揭示了20世紀初中國政治和社會的歷史發展。



By chance, Hong Kong-based artist Kurt Tong came into possession of a trunk filled with documents, letters, photographs, notes and books belonging to a stranger, a man called Franklin Lung. Intrigued by the life into which he had glimpsed, Tong began to research and piece together the story of Franklin Lung over several months.

In “Dear Franklin,” Tong takes the reader into this life. Through fragments and photographs and, crucially, letters, Lung’s story as a man who began life in a modest family and came to settle in Shanghai. As the book continues and the years change from the 1930s to the 1950s, Tong weaves historical narratives—about China, about the world, about the rise of fascism around the world, about the China diaspora—into Lung’s personal story. Over time, the photographs and notes and letters reveal not only a love story but the unfolding of China’s political and social history of the early 20th century.

The story was published as a book in 2022 but this is the first time the trunk will be shown alongside some of its content, artefacts and vintage photographs in public.

Free to register


Top Ten: Selections from Sounds Like Print

28.04.2023 5:30–7:00 pm

「聲書相印」的共同策展人 Edward Sanderson(李藹德)博士和朱珮瑿會邀請特別嘉賓,跟大家隨意傾談,參加者包括 「BOOKED:」 藝術書展的「聲音和印刷」出版商。他們會按下「播放」鍵,從顯示屏中選出十個段落,分享黑膠唱片、卡式帶和 CD 上的音樂,聊聊他們對聲音和包裝的看法:道出兩者如何互相補足,把珍貴時刻、感官感受和有意義的訊息濃縮地呈現出來。


For this casual gathering, Sounds Like Print curators Dr Edward Sanderson and Ingrid Pui Yee Chu will be inviting special guests, including publishers of “sound and print” from BOOKED:. Join them as they press “play” and count down through 10 select items from the display, sharing music on vinyl, cassette, and CD, while giving their reactions to how sound and packaging work together to encapsulate precious moments, sensory feelings, and meaningful messages.

Free to register

Why are you here? 你點解會黎到呢度? Warum bist du hier?》——香港/柏林聲音影像城市導覽漫步行

Why are you here? 你點解會黎到呢度? Warum bist du hier? – An audio-visual guided city walk between Hong Kong and Berlin

29.04.2023, 5:00 pm 30.04.2023, 5:00 pm 01.05.2023, 11:00 am (Approximately 1-hour long 約一小時長)

藝術家黃加頌和Benjamin Ryser (o!sland) 以城市導覽漫步行的形式,將他們持續進行的社群藝術研究從柏林帶回香港,藉相片、聲音及文字將柏林與香港的歷史、遠方與近處、存在與消失的概念交織在一起,延續其對身處世界各地的香港移民社群的追蹤。

這次BOOKED: 的漫步行將從展廳中的藝術家桌子展示開始,觀眾隨後會步行至大館附近遊樂場的公共空間(又或反過來進行),途中體驗一系列來自居於柏林的香港人,以及曾見證柏林被圍牆相隔的當地人——一些關於被遺忘的遊樂場、街道上的鴿子、連繫兩個城市的「Victoria/ Viktoria/ 維多利亞」紀念碑、自由的個人故事。


Interweaving the history of Berlin and Hong Kong, the near and the far, as well as existence and disappearance, the artists Dorothy Wong Ka Chung and Benjamin Ryser (o!sland) bring their ongoing community art research project from Berlin back to Hong Kong in the form of a guided city walk—with photos, audios and texts, which continue their tracing of Hong Kong's migration across the world.

In this walk for BOOKED:, from the artist table and display in the book fair to playgrounds in the public spaces near Tai Kwun (or vice versa), audiences will experience a series of personal stories from both Hong Kong people in Berlin and Berlin people who witnessed the Berlin Wall’s division—about forgotten playgrounds, pigeons in the streets, connections of these cities’ monuments “Victoria/ Viktoria/ 維多利亞” and freedom.

Free to register


Event Scores by Artist-Parents: Family as a Creative Collective

30.04.2023 12:00–1:30 pm


澎葉生將分享他和家人在台灣鄉郊的駐場經歷, 參與者包括他兩位「專業孩子」。David Horvitz將介紹《Change the Name of the Days》,此計畫源自他為女兒設計的課堂,後來蛻變成包含32個郵寄活動的遙距課程,更在疫情高峰期間每星期獲120人參與。周翊琳不但會講解出版插圖詩集的經歷,亦將闡述身為全職母親的挑戰和得著,以及這些經驗如何啟發她在香港離島開設書店,並以經營書店維持生計。





What are some examples of artist-parents’ projects that engage their kids? What are fun and challenging aspects of rethinking a family as a collective? Is non-hierarchical interaction really possible in traditional familial structures? In this conversation co-presented by Asia Art Archive, Rooftop Institute, and Tai Kwun Contemporary, we explore family-initiated collective learning and creativity with three artist-parents across the globe.

Yannick Dauby discusses his family’s residency in a remote village in Taiwan, including his two “professional children.” David Horvitz introduces Change the Name of the Days, a project originating from lessons he wrote for his daughter, which grew into a curriculum of thirty-two mailed activities received weekly by 120 people during the height of the pandemic. Chow Yik Lam speaks about her experience publishing illustrated poetry books, and opening and living out of a bookstore on an outlying island in Hong Kong, inspired by both the challenges and rewards of being a full-time mother.

In 2021, Rooftop Institute initiated the collective publishing project Event Scores by Artist-Parents. Hong Kong–based artists who are also parents were invited to contribute “event scores” about how parents can accompany, interact, communicate with, or observe their children. This year, the project will expand to include contributions from artist-parents of diverse cultural contexts to inspire discussion and encourage imaginative approaches for family education through art.

This conversation will be held both onsite and on Zoom, moderated by artist-parent, researcher, and educator Doris Wong.

Free to register

Three Star Books——藝術家、出版社、藝評人

Three Star Books—The Artist, The Publisher, The Critic

30.04.2023 2:30–4:00 pm

十多年來,Raffaella della Olga 一直使用打字機來創作,她藉著這工具發掘出一條走向抽象風格的路。最初她只是抱著實驗的心態(通過機械操作來尋找自由),在數碼時代做一個「模擬藝術家」看看,但後來很快便轉變為一種對書頁的無窮探索。

出版商Three Star BooksRaffaella della Olga之間的對話,將由曾明俊主持。藝術家將會解釋她的工作過程,而出版商則展示與藝術家密切合作的案例,如何做出別具一格的藝術家書籍。

Three Star Books成立於 2007 年,總部位於巴黎,與當代最優秀的藝術家合作出版各種書籍及版本。通過雙方的緊密合作,呈現各方面的可能性,並選擇最合適的技術,來製作盡可能接近他們最初願景的書籍。在Three Star Books,藝術家就是一切。這届書展,他們將展示Raffaella della Olga的新作。


For more than a decade, Raffaella della Olga has worked exclusively with a typewriting machine, a tool with which she has found a way to write and draw her own path to abstraction. What started as a concept of experimentation as an “analogue artist” in the digital age (and to find freedom through mechanical gestures) has rapidly turned into an infinite exploration of the page.

A conversation between the publishers Three Star Books and Raffaella della Olga will be moderated by Billy Tang, in which the artist will explain her working process, while the publishers present case studies of working in close collaborations with artists to develop their unique artist books.

Founded in 2007, Paris-based Three Star Books publishes books and editions with the finest contemporary artists. They collaborate closely with artists to present a full spectrum of possibilities, choosing the most suitable techniques in making a book that is as close as possible to their original vision. At Three Star Books, the Artist is Everything. At BOOKED #5, they will be presenting new works by Raffaella della Olga.

Free to register


Let’s make a mini eggwich

30.04.2023 1:00–4:00 pm



Through paper, colour, needle, and thread, we express our thoughts. Starting from one single word in creating a zine, we will be exploring the ways to transform ideas through recording, constructing, directing, designing, experimentation, before folding or sewing everything into a zine and placing it inside a capsule.

Free to register


Sites of Longing: Self Publish, Be Happy

30.04.2023 4:30–6:00 pm

這場對話邀請了「Self Publish, Be Happy」出版社的項目經理Hannah Dunsmore與藝術家討論如何更有效地出版攝影書。内容包括將攝影作品轉化為書籍時所牽涉的概念和過程,並討論在當代生活條件下如何講述故事。講座由WMA展覽及活動主管周麗珊主持。


The conversation invites Hannah Dunsmore, project manager at Self Publish, Be Happy, to discuss the facilitation of publishing photobooks with artists. The talk touches on the conceptualisation and process of transforming photographic works into the form of a book, and discusses storytelling in and of contemporary living conditions. The talk is moderated by Chloe Chow, WMA’s Head of Exhibitions and Programmes

Free to register


Book Scent Imaginary Workshop

01.05.2023 1:00–3:00 pm



Texts cannot fully interpret scents, while scents cannot totally be expressed through words. In this workshop, books and scents take on a complementary role, where we will be trying to read with our nose. We shall be adding the right scents into words in this sensual experience of reading.

Free to register


Furniture Music: Sight Reading

01.05.2023 12:00–7:00 pm

這個持續表演與香港藝術家楊嘉輝的前作《Coffee Table Music》(咖啡桌音樂)一脈相承。在BOOKED:書展最後一天,即勞動節那天,他的勞動就是替鋼琴家「翻樂譜」。兩位鋼琴家輪流視奏連續七個小時的樂曲,樂譜則是通過演算法生成的 「歌集」,這些樂譜每天出版一本,陳列在藝術家書籍圖書館内。


For this durational performance corresponding with Coffee Table Music, Samson Young uses the final day of BOOKED: being Labour Day to serve as “page turner” for a rotating set of pianists who play the musical score from the Hong Kong artist's algorithmically-generated “songbooks”—one published for each day the work is presented in the Artists’ Book Library.

Pianists: Shelley Ng and Linda Yim; Special thanks to Hong Kong New Music Ensemble (HKNME) and Tom Lee Music.